Mileage Fees

Arkoe - $10.48
Barnard - $19.65
Bedison -  $10.48
Bolckow - $26.53
Braddyville - $34.06
Burlington Junction - $22.27
Clearmont - $26.20
Clyde - $20.96
Conception - $22.27
Conception Junction - $22.27
Elmo - $32.75
Graham - $24.89
Guilford - $26.53
Gaynor - $24.89
Hopkins - $22.27
Maitland - $27.51
Maryville - $6.55
Orrsburg - $18.34
Parnell - $26.53
Pickering - $10.48
Quitman - $17.03
Ravenwood - $15.72
Sheridan - $34.06
Skidmore - $19.65
Stanberry - $27.51
Wilcox - $10.48

​All civil service fees must be paid in advance before any service will be made by the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office.

 Summons, Notices, Writs, Orders and Citations-   Issued By Court -  $30.00
 Insufficient Funds - $20.00
 Eviction paperwork- $60.00
 Garnishments - $35.00
 Civil Subpoenas - $20.00

 Criminal Subpoenas- $20.00
 Criminal Summons - $20.00
 Ex-Parte & Full Orders of Protection - No Fee

Paper Service Information

​Civil Service Information

If the papers that need to be served are from a Nodaway County Court we will automatically send the return to the Nodaway County Courthouse for you. 

If the papers that need to be served are from another county we will send them to the appropriate courthouse unless you send a return envelope with paid postage in which case we will send the return back to your company. 

CCW & Civil Service

Nodaway County Sheriff's Office
404 N. Vine
Maryville, MO 64468